miércoles, noviembre 05, 2008

Portada alternativa del cómic de "Prodigy-man" homenaje a "Watchmen" de Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons y Zack Snyder.

Esta es la portada alternativa del cómic de Prodigy-man. Es un homenaje a "Watchmen", una obra maestra del cómic de superhéroes. "Watchmen" ha sido creada por Alan Moore y Dave Gibbons y Zack Snyder ha dirigido la película para el 2009.

This one is the alternative front page of Prodigy-man's comic-book. It is an honoring to "Watchmen", a masterpiece of the superheroes' comic-book "Watchmen" has been created by it by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons and Zack Snyder has directed the movie for 2009.

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