miércoles, octubre 07, 2009

'Prodigy-man: Dark Future' - Episode 1 - season 1

'Prodigy-man: Dark Future ' is a series with 1 season of 6 webisodes, of a duration that ranges between 3 and 5 minutes. His protagonist is a defective clon of the superhero Prodigy-man (http://prodigy-man.blogspot.com/). This clon travels to a future where Barcelona is almost destroyed and explains his experiences to us in 6 diaries that he films with a camera.The short-feature film 'Prodigy-man' is in phase of post-production and the clon of Prodigy-man will appear a few seconds.'Prodigy-man: Dark Future' will be here every Wednesday.

'Prodigy-man: Dark Future' - INTRO

'Prodigy-man: Dark Future' - Episode 1 - season 1

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