viernes, febrero 07, 2020

Kirk Douglas ha fallecido a los 103 años. Descanse en paz. Vídeo homenaje a la gran leyenda del cine del Hollywood clásico

Kirk Douglas ha fallecido a los 103 años. Descanse en paz. Vídeo homenaje a la gran leyenda del cine del Hollywood clásico.

1 comentario:

  1. Easy "water hack" burns 2 lbs OVERNIGHT

    More than 160 thousand men and women are utilizing a simple and SECRET "liquids hack" to burn 1-2 lbs each and every night while they sleep.

    It is effective and it works with everybody.

    This is how you can do it yourself:

    1) Go get a glass and fill it with water half the way

    2) And then use this strange HACK

    you'll be 1-2 lbs lighter as soon as tomorrow!
